
From the Trenches #5
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The wait is over... is live! provides training and technical assistance resources to wastewater professionals, onsite system owners, and managers of centralized and onsite/decentralized wastewater systems. We host wastewater training documents, a calendar of training events, a regular webinar series, and more.

As always, please feel free to contact us at if you have any questions or comments, would like us to find something for you, or have information that will help other onsite/decentralized wastewater operators, installers, inspectors, and owners.
We look forward to assisting you at!

Upcoming Webinar from

Source Water Protection for Communities with Decentralized Wastewater
May 28, 2024 | 10 AM CDT

In this webinar participants will discover some of the most helpful source water protection resources and learn how to use our search tools at to find additional resources and training events.

Certificates of attendance will be delivered upon request. Check with your certification body for acceptance criteria.

This webinar series from covers topics relevant to wastewater operators, including funding, asset management, compliance, and water quality. View a recording of our previous webinar: Cybersecurity for Wastewater Operators (recorded February 2024.)

Register Today

Wastewater Blog Posts at Our Sister Sites

Types of
Septic Systems

Septic System
Inspection Basics

How to Abandon
a Septic System

NOWRA's Homeowner Training Materials

The National Onsite Wastewater Recycling Association (NOWRA) has released training materials for educating property owners with an OWTS, funded by a US EPA grant and in partnership with the Rural Community Assistance Partnership. The materials include a national level OWTS user guide/manual and four training modules on topics such as OWTS management and troubleshooting.

Find the training materials here »

Save the Date: SepticSmart Week 2024

Each year in the third week of September, the US EPA holds SepticSmart Week — a chance for communities, national organizations, local groups, and state governments to call attention to the necessity of properly caring for septic systems. Homeowner education events, training workshops, and social media campaigns are key components of the week's events.

This year, the 12th annual SepticSmart Week will be held September 16-20! Mark the dates on your calendar, and start planning what you will do to celebrate!

Learn more from the EPA »

Trades in the News

Many in Gen Z ditch colleges for trade schools.
Meet the 'toolbelt generation'

National Public Radio

After decades of increasing college enrollment, young people are beginning to return to skilled trade and vocational jobs. While largely spurred by the prohibitive cost of attending a four-year university, other factors also contribute to this comeback of the skilled trades, such as a preference to avoid emerging technology like AI and the near-guarantee of a straight path to a
well-paying job. || Read here »

Featured Webinars

Decentralized Systems Dialogue — Online Peer Exchanges 

May 30, 2024 | 11:00 am & 1:00 pm ET | Environmental Finance Center Network

Are you seeking resources or guidance for private septic tanks or on-lot wastewater systems? Join an EFCN peer exchange session designed for practitioners, municipalities, county officials, SWCDs, and others overseeing local septic programs and decentralized systems. Connect with peers, share challenges, and discover valuable resources. 

Register for 11 am session || Register for 1 pm session

NEHA/NOWRA Webinar Series for Environmental Health Professionals

May 30 & June 11, 2024 | 1:00 pm ET | National Environmental Health Association

NEHA is hosting a two-part webinar series for environmental health professionals to educate those who regulate onsite systems, featuring presenters from NOWRA. Part one will provide an overview of the onsite wastewater treatment process and O&M resources. Part two will dive into the requirements for individual sewage disposal systems that serve rural food service facilities.

Register here »

Steps to Develop a Tribal Onsite Wastewater Program

June 4, 2024 | 1:00 pm ET | Environmental Finance Center Network

This webinar will provide an overview of the administrative, managerial, and inspection tasks required to develop a tribal onsite wastewater program. Attendees will gain a greater understanding of the four components of a tribal onsite wastewater program, and gain skills and knowledge required to implement a program in their community.

Register here »

Find More on the Event Calendar

Featured Document

Managing Septic Systems to Prevent Contamination of
Drinking Water

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

This EPA factsheet discusses the basics of preventing septic systems from polluting drinking water supplies. It touches on sources of septic system effluent, the contaminants commonly found in wastewater, and contamination prevention measures to consider (such as siting, design, and operation & maintenance).

Wastewater in the News

Tap Talk Episode 41
Data: The Key to Private Well Advocacy

In TT041, Jennifer and Steve chat with Amie Shei from the Health Foundation of Central Massachusetts, which for five years has been lobbying for the implementation of statewide regulations on private well water quality. Listen to learn how data from sampling private wells has been essential to these efforts and other strategies to advocate for the safekeeping of private wells in Massachusetts.

🎧 Listen to TT041 🎧

More from Our Team: Launches the National Private Well Hotline

Last month, the team at our sister website officially launched a national private well hotline and help center!

Anyone with questions about their well water can explore hundreds of resources on the most important topics and information pertaining to private wells at the help center's knowledgebase. Visitors can also message with a chatbot to pull AI-powered answers from the knowledgebase or message directly with a Private Well Class team member. Finally, if you prefer to just talk to us on the phone, you can call our hotline at 1-866-945-0699. We've really enjoyed our first month of serving private well users and professionals in the help center, and we're looking forward to hearing from many more of you!

Visit the Help Center »

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