
From the Trenches #7
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NOWRA Emerging Professionals Scholarship is open to apply!

The National Onsite Wastewater Recycling Association is currently accepting applications for its 2024 Emerging Professionals Scholarship, which is intended to support the professional development of young and early career professionals in the onsite wastewater sector. Two recipients will be selected, based on their career aspirations and commitment to the field.

Applicants must be:

  • Enrolled at least part-time in a trade school, university, or college while pursuing a degree or certification in a topic related to wastewater treatment and/or environmental policy & management,

  • Under 35 years of age, OR

  • Have less than five years of experience in the onsite wastewater field.

More information, including the application, can be found here. Applications are due Monday, September 9th, 2024.

Mark your calendars for our upcoming wastewater webinars!

This webinar series from our sister site covers topics relevant to wastewater operators, including funding, asset management, compliance, and water quality. Certificates of attendance will be delivered upon request. Check with your certification body for acceptance criteria. See below for information on the upcoming webinars.

Funding Wastewater Infrastructure Projects | Register Today!
July 23, 2024 (rescheduled from June 25) | 10 - 11:30 AM CDT

  • In this webinar, participants will discover some of the most helpful wastewater funding resources and learn how to use our search tools at to find additional resources and training events.

Wastewater System Condition Assessment and Rehabilitation Resources | Register Today!
August 20, 2024 | 10 - 11:30 AM CDT

  • In this webinar, participants will discover some of the most helpful wastewater system condition assessment and rehabilitation resources and learn how to use our search tools at to find additional resources and training events. 

Recordings of our previous webinars:

Source Water Protection for Communities with Decentralized Wastewater (recorded May 2024.)

Cybersecurity for Wastewater Operators (recorded February 2024.)

Septic Systems 101 Webinar Recording

from the Private Well Class

Septic System 101 - July 11, 2024

In this webinar recording you’ll learn about septic system management as part of a larger strategy to protect the water in your private well. Using best practices to maintain your septic system can also keep it in proper working order and prolong its life.

The webinar will answer questions such as:

  • What is safe to flush down your drains,
  • Do you need to put additives in your septic tank, and
  • How to prolong the life of your system.
Watch the Recording Here

Blog Posts at

Businesses on
Septic Systems

Source Water Protection
for Communities with Decentralized Wastewater Webinar Recording

Can A Septic Tank Float?

Featured Podcast from the

Environmental Finance Center Network

Why Communicating About Wastewater
Is So Important

In this episode, Dawn Nall from the Southwest Environmental Finance Center interviews Sarah Diefendorf and Elaine McCarty from the EFC West on the importance of communicating in the wastewater industry. Sarah and Elaine reflect on their vast experience focusing on community outreach and education to share what they've learned about communication in wastewater; especially the importance of learning about and maintaining engagement with your stakeholders, creating trust, and catering your outreach to the individual community.

Look for us at NEHA!

Are you attending the National Environmental Health Association's Annual Educational Conference & Exhibition this week in Pittsburgh? If you are, be sure to include our Program Director Steve Wilson and Environmental Public Health Specialist Sallie Dolan in your educational session plans!

Steve will be helping to lead the pre-conference session "Strategies and Tools for Supporting Well Communities Post-Natural Disasters: Focused on Flood Recovery" at 8 am on July 15, and presenting the session "Legionella Occurrence And Sampling Issues In Homes With Private Wells" at 9 am on July 16.

Sallie will be presenting the session "Onsite Wastewater Treatment System Assessment: Introducing a Comprehensive Tool for Environmental Health Professionals" at 9 am on July 18. 

There are several other sessions on onsite and decentralized topics as well, so make sure you've got them all on your calendar! Take a look at the entire conference schedule here.

Reminder: Technical Assistance Available at EPA

The "Closing America's Wastewater Access Gap" initiative at the EPA offers free technical assistance for communities with failing decentralized wastewater systems, or no existing wastewater systems at all. If your community or a community you know of needs assistance, you can request it at this webform.

Does your community have septic system or decentralized wastewater challenges?

  • Do septic systems back up into homes or cause sewage to pool in yards?

  • Does the town or country struggle to provide adequate sanitation services to its residents?

  • Does the community struggle to rebuild damaged or non-functioning wastewater and septic systems?

More information can be found here. You can also email with questions.

Featured Webinars

Don’t Just Flush and Forget – 

Basic Care for Your Septic System

July 17 | 1:00 pm ET | University of Maryland Extension

A septic system provides a valuable service to a home and needs periodic attention or maintenance. This webinar will discuss basic practices to keep your system functioning.

Register here »

Sampling Onsite Wastewater Systems

July 17 | 1:00 pm ET | Infiltrator Water Technologies

Collecting samples from onsite wastewater treatment systems may be required by rule although they are also an important tool for determining the overall health of the system or to provide assistance with troubleshooting a system that is not functioning properly. Various aspects of sampling will be discussed including: when and why to collect samples, field evaluation challenges, pre-screening using test strips, and proper sampling techniques. Attendance approved for 1 credit hour in FL, GA, IA, ME, NE, NH, NY.

Register here »

Pumps 101

July 17 | 9:00 am PT | Orenco Systems

Wastewater pumps are an integral part of most onsite septic systems, and they come in all shapes and sizes. This webinar will cover the differences between various types of pumps and explain how to size and use pumps for onsite systems. Accepted for CE credit in CA, FL, IA, NY, OR, RI.

Register here »

Designing Residential AdvanTex®

July 23 | 9:00 am PT | Orenco Systems

AdvanTex Treatment Systems are the ideal on-site solution for residential wastewater treatment needs because they work well in a variety of locations and situations. This webinar will review the application, design, and benefits of AdvanTex for residential properties. Accepted for CE credit in CA, FL, IA, NY, OR, RI.

Register here »

Insurance Costs and Risk Management for the 
Onsite Wastewater Industry

July 23 | 12:00 pm ET | NOWRA

A webinar for NOWRA members describing the insurance information small onsite wastewater companies need to properly protect themselves. This webinar will be recorded and posted to the NOWRA website for members. The presentation will be conducted by WaterColor Insurance Management.

Register here »

Septic System Basics

July 25 | 1:00 pm CT | Communities Unlimited

Communities Unlimited is hosting a Septic System Basics Training for homeowners and people who are interested in septic system management. Participants will learn about the various parts of a septic tank, the function of drain fields, and the overall purpose of the system. What constitutes septic system failure, how to identify it, and best practices for maintaining a system to prevent issues will be covered.

Register here »

Find More on the Event Calendar

Featured Document

Guidance for Septic Systems

Before, During, And After a Flood

National Environmental Health Association

This 10-page guide from NEHA provides instructions for septic system users to keep their system safe in the event of a flood. Understanding septic system type, location, and components before flooding occurs will aid in understanding this document. It is recommended that a user consult with a septic professional for additional guidance should a flood impact their system. 

Reminder: Fall National Conference Dates

WEFTEC 2024: Leading the Future of Water

October 5-9 || Water Environment Federation || 

New Orleans, Louisiana

This annual technical conference and exhibition brings together water professionals from around the world and provides attendees with the opportunity to experience first-hand the best in water quality education, leading experts, the latest technology and trends, and proven solutions. CEU credits may be available for participation in available workshops and technical sessions.

Register here »

Onsite Wastewater Mega-Conference 2024: 

Celebrating Tomorrow's Environment 
Clean Water for the Future

October 20-23 || NOWRA/NAWT/SORA || Spokane, Washington

The Onsite Wastewater Mega-Conference is a national, collaborative effort between the National Onsite Wastewater Recycling Association, the National Association of Wastewater Technicians, and the State Onsite Regulators Association. The Mega-Conference is the largest event of its kind and offers onsite/decentralized professionals the highest quality education and training available!

More information »

Wastewater in the News

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