Newsletter for November 2024 |
Getting Septic Systems Ready for Winter
As unwilling as many of us may be to admit it, winter is fast approaching. And while each season presents new conditions and challenges to tackle for septic owners, winter can often be an especially challenging season. So, now is the time to encourage and promote the appropriate and necessary seasonal care steps for winter to septic owners!
One excellent resource for guidance is the Seasonal Care webpage from the University of Minnesota's Onsite Sewage Treatment Program in the Water Resources Center. The page provides a detailed breakdown on caring for septic systems in each season, and in winter the expansive guidance covers these areas:
Checking frozen septic systems
Freezing problems
Problems with high efficiency furnaces, water softeners, and iron filters discharging into septic systems
Winter septic tank pumping
Find more winter resources for homeowners in the Featured Document section below, or try searching "winter" in our Resource Library. |
NOWRA Is Hiring! |
As the organization continues to grow, NOWRA is looking to add an Operations Coordinator to their team. If this is an opportunity that interests you, or if you know someone else who might be well-suited for the role, check out the job description, including expected responsibilities and desired qualifications.
The position is 100% remote, and the application (letter of interest, resume, and salary requirements) is due on November 30! Contact NOWRA at with questions. |
Are You Attending Your State Conference? |
This year's Onsite Wastewater Mega-Conference has passed, but odds are good you've got another conference opportunity coming up soon. We have many state-level conferences already listed in our calendar for early 2025, so if you missed the Mega-Conference or just really love networking, don't miss your state events!
To find state-level conferences in our Event Calendar, you can either simply search for 'conference' in the the keyword search bar, or in the first filter column, choose TYPE > conference/symposium. Then click 'View List' to see the full slate of upcoming events, instead of the singular month calendar view. You could also use the STATE filter and select your state to see what is coming up.
States with conferences in the first several months of 2025 include Ohio, Iowa, Michigan, Kansas, Illinois, Missouri, Colorado, Washington, Minnesota, Nebraska, Indiana, Texas, Oregon, and New Hampshire. We will be continually adding more conferences and other events as the information becomes available. |
Follow Us On Social Media! |
Don't forgot to follow us on our new social media accounts! Give us a follow on Facebook, X/Twitter, and LinkedIn to stay connected with our program and other opportunities around the industry. Find our pages at these links ⬇️ |
Highlights from Onsite Installer
Rules and Regs:
Arizona Launches Cesspool Remediation Project
By Kim Peterson
In this month's Onsite Installer Rules & Regs column, several new funding and assistance programs for septic systems are detailed, including in Arizona, South Dakota, West Virginia, Rhode Island, Alabama, and more.
Read here » |
Featured Podcast:
ASTHO's Public Health Review Morning Edition
EPA Wastewater Gap Initiative
Zach Lowenstein, program manager at the EPA Office of Wastewater Management, discusses the Closing America's Wastewater Access Gap initiative on the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials' Public Health Review Morning Edition.
Listen here »
Solving the Nitrogen Problem
December 12 | 11:00 am CT | ORENCO Systems
Across the United States, nutrient discharges from wastewater systems are being regulated at an increasing rate. Decentralized wastewater treatment systems can provide better, more reliable solutions for reducing nutrients through biological processes. In this webinar, you'll discuss the use of Orenco® treatment technologies for reducing nitrogen and other nutrients of concern.
Register here » |
Worst Case Scenario:
Design and Installation Considerations for Difficult Sites
December 18 | 1:00 pm ET | Infiltrator Water Technologies
Decentralized system engineers, designers, contractors, and regulators often encounter challenging sites. The challenges include limiting layers, tight soils, high water table, site elevations, steep slopes, set-backs, maximum system depths (system soil cover) contaminants of emerging concern, and environmentally sensitive areas to name a few. This presentation will discuss possible solutions to these challenging site conditions.
Register here »
Guidance for Septic Systems
Before, During, and After Winter Weather
National Environmental Health Association
This 10-page guidebook from NEHA helps septic owners understand what to do to keep their system in as best working condition as possible during the long winter months. Winter weather can present a unique set of challenges for septic system operation and maintenance just like any other extreme weather situation. Also, be sure to take a look at the accompanying 2-page homeowner checklist.
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